This page is maintained by Patrick Asselman. For all that concerns this audio page, email to If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me.

I would like to thank a number of people:

First of all Michael Driscoll for helping us out in such a terrific way! He is the one who gave us all this on-line disc space and bandwith to fool around with.
Then there is Christophe Gourraud who basically manages these pages, making sure i do some updating now and then. He is also the one who actually has all these songs and made most of the mp3s.
My roommate Marc Aarts who has the patience to explain to me how Photoshop works, and all these neat new html features! I hope that one day these pages will be just as beautiful as his REM page.
Jean-Michel Biel who maintains the best Pixies page on the internet: Alec Eiffel, of which this is only a small but proud part.
And finally Kurt Ziegenbein for the live version of Debaser, Robert Cooper who pointed out the Chris Morris song, and Adrian Oates for letting me use it, and Steve Krulewitz for the covers of Gigantic and Where Is My Mind.

The design on these pages is based on the artwork by V23, the design bureau that designed all the lovely artwork for the Pixies and other bands of the 4AD label.
