dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n zone key-testThe TSIG key is redundantly stored in two separate files. This is a consequence of nsupdate using the DST library for its cryptographic operations, and may change in future releases. (eg Bind >= 9.2 uses .key-file)
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 Jan 16 16:58 Kkey-test.+157+02315.key -rw------- 1 root root 81 Jan 16 16:58 Kkey-test.+157+02315.privateA security-bug in older Bind version causes one of the files to be world-readable. You should change the permissions by doing:
chmod og= Kkey*Both files will hold a shared secret that you need to configure in your /etc/named.conf
key "key-test." { algorithm hmac-md5; secret "v9BhsbwDu4q95g/Gf/EiXA=="; };If this is defined, you can start using this shared secret (between the server and the client) in the definition of your zone-files.
zone "ddns.test.be" { type master; file "master/db.ddns.test.be"; allow-update { key "key-test."; }; };Once this is defined, you can have everything in the zone-file being updated by the client. We define something like this in /var/named/master/db.ddns.test.be.
$TTL 86400 ; 1 minute @ IN SOA ddns.test.be. dag.wieers.com. ( 2001072010 ; serial 10800 ; refresh (3 hours) 3600 ; retry (1 hour) 1814400 ; expire (3 weeks) 86400 ; minimum (1 day) ) @ NS ns.test.be. hostname 60 IN A next step is to make sure the client updates the zone-file everytime its IP address changes. I have a configuration for pump and ppp or ADSL.
/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-eth0.exewith contents:
#!/bin/bash ### Copyright 2001-2002 - Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com> ### http://dag.wieers.com/howto/ ### Local settings, must be changed KEY="/etc/Kkey-test.+157+02315.private" SERVER="ns.test.be" ZONE="ddns.test.be" NTPSERVERS="ntp.belnet.be brussels.belnet.be leuven.belnet.be" ### Default settings, may be changed IF="eth0" HOSTNAME="$(hostname | cut -d. -f1)" LOGFILE="/var/log/nsupdate.log" ### Start of script INFOFILE=${1:-/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-$IF.info} STATUS=${2:-new} ( echo "$(date) Running $0 with arguments \"$*\"" echo "--------------" if [ -r "$INFOFILE" ]; then source "$INFOFILE" else echo "File $INFOFILE cannot be read." echo "==============" exit 98 fi case "$STATUS" in (up|new) /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s -b $NTPSERVERS cat "$INFOFILE" echo "--------------" cat <<EOF | nsupdate -d -k "$KEY" server $SERVER zone $ZONE update delete $HOSTNAME update add $HOSTNAME 60 A $IPADDR send EOF RC=$? echo ;; (*) RC=99 esac if [ $RC != 0 ]; then echo "--------------" echo "$(date) Updating $HOSTNAME.$ZONE failed. (RC=$RC)" fi echo "==============" ) >>$LOGFILE 2>&1 exit $RCFor pump, I use the following configuration. Add this before any device configuration blocks:
script /etc/pump.scriptAnd add the following script as /etc/pump.script:
#!/bin/bash ### Copyright 2001-2002 - Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com> ### http://dag.wieers.com/howto/ ### Local settings, must be changed KEY="/etc/Kkey-test.+157+02315.private" SERVER="ns.test.be" ZONE="ddns.test.be" NTPSERVERS="ntp.belnet.be brussels.belnet.be leuven.belnet.be" ### Default settings, may be changed HOSTNAME="$(hostname | cut -d. -f1)" LOGFILE="/var/log/nsupdate.log" ### Start of script STATUS=${1:-new} IF=${2:-eth0} IPADDR=${3:-} ( echo "$(date) Running $0 with arguments \"$*\"" echo "--------------" case "$STATUS" in (up|new) /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s -b $NTPSERVERS echo "IP address: $IPADDR" echo "--------------" cat <<EOF | nsupdate -d -k "$KEY" server $SERVER zone $ZONE update delete $HOSTNAME update add $HOSTNAME 60 A $IPADDR send EOF RC=$? echo ;; (*) RC=99 esac if [ $RC != 0 ]; then echo "--------------" echo "$(date) Updating $HOSTNAME.$ZONE failed. (RC=$RC)" fi echo "==============" ) >>$LOGFILE 2>&1 exit $RCFor a ppp or adsl-connection, you could use /etc/ppp/ip-up.local much the same way. Here is a modified script:
#!/bin/bash ### Copyright 2001-2002 - Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com> ### http://dag.wieers.com/howto/ ### Local settings, must be changed KEY="/etc/Kkey-test.+157+02315.private" SERVER="ns.test.be" ZONE="ddns.test.be" NTPSERVERS="ntp.belnet.be brussels.belnet.be leuven.belnet.be" ### Default settings, may be changed HOSTNAME="$(hostname | cut -d. -f1)" LOGFILE="/var/log/nsupdate.log" ### Start of script IF=${1:-ppp0} TTY=$2 SPEED=$3 IPADDR=${4:-} ( echo "$(date) Running $0 with arguments \"$*\"" echo "--------------" /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s -b $NTPSERVERS echo "IP address: $IPADDR" echo "--------------" cat <<EOF | nsupdate -d -k "$KEY" server $SERVER zone $ZONE update delete $HOSTNAME update add $HOSTNAME 60 A $IPADDR send EOF RC=$? echo if [ $RC != 0 ]; then echo "--------------" echo "$(date) Updating $HOSTNAME.$ZONE failed. (RC=$RC)" fi echo "==============" ) >>$LOGFILE 2>&1 exit $RC